Restaurant Workers' Voice Restaurant Workers Union Restaurant Workers' Voice Restaurant Workers Union

Labor and the Political Scandal in LA

What emerges from the scandal—three leading Democrats and a top labor bureaucrat caught in the act of racialized scheming regarding LA's redistricting process—is a picture of a trade union leadership that is out of touch with the most basic of trade-union values: to represent the interests of all workers based on the fact that we are workers. Union leaders should not be playing racial political games.

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Restaurant Workers' Voice Restaurant Workers Union Restaurant Workers' Voice Restaurant Workers Union

Why The Bear? A Commentary

Many have commented as well on The Bear’s commitment to reproducing details of restaurant life as if recounting an esoteric lore; the terminology, the habits, the various BOH personality tropes, sipping water out of plastic quart containers, etc.

However we must situate the phenomenon of the Bear in its proper context.

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